In this 60-minute workshop, you’ll receive my exact strategy for landing the BEST opportunities for your business — tailored to your personality and visibility style.

For established entrepreneurs who want to expand their reach and revenue:

Want To Find More Aligned Collaborations & Partnerships — Without Cold Pitching Or Feeling Weird About It?

Expand your pool of referrals, become more visible naturally, and attract quality leads by understanding EXACTLY how to find your Magic Match™.

— Ellen Yin, Founder and Podcast Host of Cubicle to CEO

“Linda is an absolute master of her craft. Linda's background, deep understanding of personality types, and collaborative approach are unparalleled. 

Having been in business for five years, I can confidently say she's one of the most considerate people I've had the pleasure of working with. 

Linda's impact is immeasurable, and I'm incredibly grateful for our collaborations.”


ellen yin

Wanna know what I think?

The secret to attracting...

Online business has changed, and right now, everyone is wondering what strategies are going out the window — and which ones are here to stay.

  • Quality leads that *feel* good for your business
  • Dreamy collaborations 
  • Speaking opportunities
  • Invitations on podcasts

... is something that’s been around for a long, long time.

And as a super connector for years, I can vouch for its success:

The #1 thing that moves the needle on your business is the quality of your relationships.

No matter what the economy is up to...
No matter which AI comes out tomorrow...
No matter how our customers' behaviors change...

If you want to be an online entrepreneur for the long haul, you MUST prioritize building and cultivating meaningful relationships.

  • Get comfortable with your current pool of entrepreneur friends
  • Succumb to impostor syndrome when you want to reach out to someone “above” you
  • Feel caught up in your day-to-day and focus only on sales activities (you’ve only got so many hours in a day, right?!)
  • Second-guess your value and worry about rejection when you want to put yourself out there for a new opportunity 
  • Neglect networking and moving relationships forward from that “Hi!” in your DMs to something meaningful

Even when you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, it’s SO easy to...

The problem is…

It’s TOTALLY normal. And…
It’s not your fault if going beyond your comfort zone or beyond your current network doesn’t feel natural to you.

The messaging the online world throws at us often tells you to:

  • Cold pitch!
  • Show up to events regularly!
  • Invest in a pricey mastermind!
  • Create social media content every single day!
  • Invest in ads!
  • Launch a podcast!

(Anyone else exhausted thinking about all of it??)

Create win-win opportunities with aligned collaborators and partners?

Grow your list with warm audiences of high-caliber subscribers?

Reach out to aligned entrepreneurs who will be a solid YES?

Receive quality leads regularly without business drying up?

Create connections with people who will be the BEST partners in your business for years to come?

What if you could:

But guess what?

Just because some visibility strategies work for some people, it doesn’t mean they’re gonna work for YOU.

It’s time to think about partnerships, collaborations, and conversions differently...

... And I want to introduce you to a NEW way of doing business!

Pretty great, right?

Well then, allow me to share my tried-and-tested approach with you…

Access my proven framework to build *and* maintain long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships — so you can create fruitful collaborations, increase your sales, and set your business up for repeatable success.

  • Discover the POWER of strategic networking that 7-figure entrepreneurs use to increase their net worth.
  • Learn top strategies for establishing the *right* partnerships for your business, enabling you to prioritize collaborations more effectively.
  • Access my 3-part framework to help you leverage your strengths, prioritize your ideal clients, and form fruitful collaborations with your Magic Matches.
  • Understand how to create your personalized strategy to enhance your sales performance moving forward.

Inside this 60-minute video workshop, you will:

Your access includes:

The Magic Match  draws on my years of experience as a “super connector” and running a six-figure business without running ads or being active on social media.


  • Unlock the power of building meaningful connections and cultivating long-lasting, mutually beneficial business relationships with my cutting-edge database!
  • Find out how to bring heart and soul into your relationships by remembering “the little things” — with an automated system that ensures you’re constantly nurturing your relationships.


Understand exactly who you’re partnering with and ensure your collaboration continues to have a ripple effect.

Keep track of your business relationships in an easy way that constantly makes them feel special (and puts you top of mind).

Lean into your unique strengths and personality to understand where you’re stretching yourself and how you can make collaborations easier.

Find your Magic Match partners in your industry (there are three types of people who are perfect partners — I’ll show you how to find them!)

Paired together, you’ll have *everything* you need to:

— Zafira Rajan

“If you want a relentless cheerleader, advocate for your business and super connector in your corner, look no further than Linda Sidhu. Not only is she incredibly gifted at putting the right people in the right room, but she’s also beyond generous with her referrals, sharing opportunities to take your business to the next level and shine a light on it. 

Because of The MixerMind™, I secured incredible podcast guest opportunities, invites to events where I met dream collaborators, and new connections I know I’ll be in touch with forever. If you get the chance to be in Linda’s orbit, jump!”

Linda is a super connector like no other.

Zafira Rajan

Do It All When You Lean Into The Magic Match!

Get Life-Changing Introductions To Aligned Collaborators. Grow Your List. Secure High-Impact Visibility Opportunities. Build Meaningful Relationships.

— Kristin Lawton

“I love connecting with others but not in that stuffy, traditional networking way. And that's why I love Linda's approach! I get to meet new people and connect with those I've been following for a while on Instagram.

Linda knows how to help you get vulnerable and share about your businesses. Not only have I learned so much from her, but she’s also helped me walk away with new friends, new collaborations, and new opportunities!”

Linda creates safe spaces for us to get vulnerable and share about our businesses. 


You already know me a little bit — but I’d love to share why finding your Magic Matches in the online world means so much to me…

Yep, you read that last part right…

... While *most* people know that I specialize in creating personality-popping quizzes rooted in *real* data about how we communicate, what people DON’T know is this:

Amongst my friends and neighbors, I’ve always been known for throwing a great party.

Back in Ohio, I’d throw a Derby party every year — from mint juleps to giveaways and dressing up, I’d keep it fun AND casual, but my purpose was the same:

Hi! I’m Linda Sidhu — quiz funnel strategist, list-building expert, super connector, and party host extraordinaire.

To help folks meet, connect, and walk away with richer relationships.

It’s no surprise then, that when I became an online entrepreneur...

... Making intentional connections with like-minded entrepreneurs felt as natural as the black leggings I wear every day (#sorrynotsorry) — and as it turned out, I became pretty good at matchmaking aligned entrepreneurs!

Over the years, I’ve learned how crucial it is to put myself out there, to get visible, and to ask for what I want (even when it gives me butterflies!). 

Women in general have a hard time asking and receiving, but I’ve learned that people ALWAYS want to help you — they just need to be told how they can do it.

... And that kind of growth wouldn't have been possible without strategic partnerships. 

When it comes to finding those, you *need* to know yourself well to understand how to find them — AND you need to lean on the people who know you and your work already.

After two years of working online, I've replaced my corporate income without running Facebook ads… 

When people know you, they can vouch for you and confidently recommend you to others. 

Yes, I want you to grow your email list, make more money, and land more podcasts, but what I *also* want for you goes deeper than that.

  • I want you to feel abundant and confident to be a heck YES for opportunities that come your way.
  • I want you to stop worrying about getting leads and clients and have your partnerships bring them in organically.
  • I want you to confidently pitch partnerships and collaborations, knowing exactly what you bring to the table.
  • I want you to find and make connections that last a lifetime and get the backup you need when life happens.

Relationship marketing is all about taking the time to develop a relationship first before you ask for anything. 

But you being here tells me you *already* know the value of intentionally connecting.

You want to make an impact in the online space and build a profitable business – and I'm passionate about helping you do that. 

The way so many business besties showed up for me moved me to tears over and over again.

When we tend to be the people who “handle” things — family schedules, your launch calendar, your team members — over time, it can be hard to know when you need support.

In 2023, I was one of those people when I faced a scary cancer diagnosis; which is when I realized quickly that I couldn’t do it alone.

So, I raised my hand and tapped into my community for support.

Speaking of life “happening”...

They knew I didn’t need more flowers — I needed help running Zoom meetings while I was in surgery, I needed support with grocery shopping and hiring dog walkers, and I needed a space to share what was *really* going on behind closed doors.

That’s what the power of an *aligned* community does for you...

They have your back and they know what to do to help you keep the lights on.

When you give yourself the permission to RECEIVE and lean into being YOU, you’ll be stunned by what’s truly possible for you.

Inside The Magic Match workshop, I’ll show you how to wave your wand and cast this spell for success for your business!

— Frenchie Ferenczi

“Thanks to Linda’s approach, I've been a guest on five podcast episodes; I will be writing a guest post for Emily Reagan's blog; I had Merel Kriegsman as a guest on my podcast, Strategy Snacks; AND my content has been reshared endless times.

I'm so grateful for her network, friendships, and collaborations — and I’m only getting started!”

I've seen the idea that your “network is your net worth” come to life in a big way. 

Frenchie Ferenczi

— Brenna McGowan 

“As someone with a healthy mix of extrovert and introvert, I loved being part of Linda's network.

Because of Linda, I was able to meet, pitch, and collaborate with Jordan Gill for my upcoming Behind the Launch event.

And I've continued the momentum and pitched other people who have already said yes to be part of my next event. I always walk away with fresh insights, new friends, and amazing collaborations.”

My momentum has continued!


  • You end up with collaborations where you give *more* than you receive

  • You participate in summits and bundles that yield low-quality subscribers

  • You experience in business revenue in “lower” months

  • You send cold pitches where you never hear back (and it feels weird for you)

  • You’re constantly promoting yourself but aren’t seeing the sales come through

  • You feel like there isn’t enough time to connect with all the people that you want

  • You stay focused on collaborations for a while but have a hard time keeping it up

  • You keep putting your best ideas on the back burner because you don’t have the support to make them all happen

And to prove it to you, here’s the type of magic you can expect for *your* business after you cast a spell watch this workshop:

Easy to digest? Quick to implement? Lasting impact on your business? Heck YES!


  • You know exactly how to create collaborations where everyone wins and feels valued

  • You choose your visibility opportunities carefully and take a quality vs. quantity approach

  • You receive warm introductions to aligned collaborators who always say “YES! Let’s do it!”

  • You have a system to connect and check in with valuable relationships automatically 

  • You know exactly how to stay top of mind for your audience, whether you’re on vacation or sabbatical

  • You feel inspired to execute your Big Ideas (because you have the support of clients, peers, and mentors to propel you forward!)


— Dallas Travers

“I've achieved mind-blowing results in just three months because of Linda’s communities. From lead magnet swaps to extraordinary podcast guests and lifelong friendships, everyone goes above and beyond to support each other.”

Mind-blowing results!

dallas travers

As soon as you purchase this program, you will have instant access to The Magic Match workshop and The Partnership Portal database. 

Due to the nature of these digital products and their instant availability upon purchase, I uphold a no-refund policy. 

Once you purchase The Magic Match, it is considered final and non-refundable.

My Guarantee

Your questions, answered


The Magic Match Workshop is for established business owners with over 2+ years of experience. If you're eager to harness the power of referrals and peer recommendations to fuel your business growth, this workshop is perfect for you! Bonus: if you want to cultivate lasting, mutually beneficial partnerships, you'll find *tons* of value in what The Magic Match offers.


The workshop itself will last for approximately 60 minutes. However, to fully benefit from the content and maximize your results, you'll also want to access the videos inside The Partnership Portal and dedicate some time to setting up your personalized relationship database. The duration of this additional task will vary depending on the size of your community. Rest assured, taking the time to set up your database will 100% enhance the success of your business moving forward!


While The Magic Match Workshop is for established business owners with over 2+ years of experience, I want to reassure you that newcomers to the online business world can also benefit from the insights and strategies shared. However, I suggest having at least one year of business experience to leverage what I teach inside the workshop.


Absolutely! The online business landscape is constantly evolving. However, one fundamental truth remains unchanged: the quality of your relationships is paramount to your business's success.

Regardless of economic fluctuations, technological advancements, shifts in consumer behavior, or the duration of one's business career, nurturing meaningful relationships remains the cornerstone of sustainable growth.


You'll want to access the videos inside The Partnership Portal and dedicate time to setting up your personalized relationship database…. And then you’re all set! You’ll have everything you need to know to strengthen your existing business relationships *and* cultivate new ones.


Feel free to email me at with any additional questions or concerns!

Before you say, “I’ve got too many other things to do,” let’s talk about why prioritizing relationships CAN’T wait.

After my cancer journey, I looked at life and business in a whole new way. 

I asked myself:

“Am I spending my time with the right people… Personally and professionally?”

This weighed heavy on my mind, and one of the things I did was prioritize getting myself into the right rooms and spaces in *all* areas of my life.

That’s how, last year, I found myself on a vacation spanning the volcanos and hot springs of Iceland, the hot cobblestone streets of Rome, and sweeping sunsets over the Tuscan hills — right before major cancer treatments were about to take place.

Through every dip in a lagoon, every twirl of handmade pasta around my fork, and every sunrise, I caught myself savoring how lucky I was to be here and be surrounded by my family and supported by incredible business collaborators shouting my name to the rooftops even when I’d pressed pause on my business.

Months before, I couldn’t have imagined I’d be able to fully check out of my business, feel good, and indulge in the things that watching White Lotus had me craving (not just tiramisu in Italy — but a real vacation).

In all of these places and spaces, I was reminded that there’s a sweet spot between dreams and reality.

… In all parts of your life and business.

That starts by changing YOUR perspective.

Yes, aligned partnerships and collaborations can propel your business forward.

But if I’ve learned anything from my own experiences, it’s this:

I want to help YOU reach for those “pinch-me-is-this-real” moments…

Your lifeline when... Life gets hard, and you need backup.

Your lifeline when... The online landscape suddenly shifts, and you need to adapt ASAP.

Your lifeline when... You need more eyeballs on your launch.

Your lifeline when... Leads dry up.

Growing, nurturing, and expanding your community can become your LIFELINE.

But this is *only* possible if you believe you DESERVE it.

So in case you need this relentless cheerleader to tell it to you straight?

The more warm traffic you can direct to your business, the easier it will feel to bring in more revenue, opportunities, and pinch-me moments.

And that means you NEED to be growing your pool of aligned clients, mentors and peers — so they can put YOU in front of warm audiences that are more likely to convert.

At the end of the day, growing your business is a numbers game --

→ You are worthy of receiving ALL the recognition, visibility, and revenue you have only dreamed of. 

Your Magic Matches are only a click away to turn those dreams into reality.

And whether or not you choose to grab the workshop? 

Know that I’m supporting you, always!

with warmth + a hint of magic, Linda

— Merel Kriegsman

“Because of Linda, I've experienced amazing connections.

I'm thrilled to share that I've been featured on two top podcasts and engaged in fruitful collaborations with ambitious entrepreneurs. 

I value the network, friendships, and thriving collaborations we have created together.”

I have been featured on top podcasts.

Merel Kriegsman