And sure, it’s *totally* doable on your own if you’ve got plenty of extra time to dedicate to writing your own email sequences, cold pitching collaborators, or *lots* of extra money to fork out for pricey masterminds…

… But it is SO much easier when you land on the digital doorstep of a real-life superconnector who can open all those doors for you with genuine warmth, care, and kindness.

(That’s me!)

That’s the power of being superconnected.

Wouldn’t it be even better if you could take more time off, focus on growing your business *and* reach for your visibility goals knowing that...

  • Your email list is steadily growing with people who say, “I feel like she KNOWS me!”?
  • Close peers recommend and refer you consistently?
  • Pitches to speak on stage, guest on podcasts, and collaborate with incredible entrepreneurs land straight in YOUR inbox?

Wouldn’t it feel so great to get in front of more people without feeling “salesy”?

And if you answered B or C? Keep on reading.

Way back when I was a pharmaceutical sales rep, my specialty has *always* been in personalized marketing (I can spot the four DiSC personality types from a mile away)...

...That’s why today, I show others how to personalize their own funnels and outreach to others through the power of quizzes and expanding their community.

A. I’m comfortable with where I’m at.
B. I need to expand my network.
C. I want to keep growing my list with aligned subscribers.

If you’ve ever wondered, “where do I go from here?” once you’ve secured a steady client base, launched your first program, and established your own community…

Maybe you might fall into the camp of:

By Engaging & Connecting With The *Right* Entrepreneurs.

Be Seen, Heard & Celebrated For The Smart & Thoughtful Leader You Are…

— Helena Bowen, Speaker Coach & Speechwriter

“I've grown my list by 800 people since I launched my quiz. But even better — I have a whole new way of understanding who my clients are, how to sell to them, and how to serve them. Sales calls are easier than ever because I know how to adapt my style to theirs. It's no surprise that my first program launch after working with Linda brought in $95,000!”

Working with Linda brought in $95,000!

helena bowen

Learning at your own pace — scroll through the menu below and find what works best for what you’re in the mood for.


Joining a curated community of seasoned entrepreneurs


Strategy for your own quiz funnel


There are three key ways I can support you:



Once you do this, you’ll be 100% ready to build your list, fill up your funnel, and start selling on automation!

To top it off, you’ll also gain access to my 5-part welcome series that’ll help sell your offer.

Then we’ll have an award-winning copywriter check out your main results page, polish it up, and audit it. 

I’ll give you my quiz strategy, copy coaching, best practices, and every plug-and-play template you’ll need to write your quiz results, questions, and answers.

what you get:

  • You’re a coach, course creator, copywriter, or online service provider who wants to learn how to create a highly personalized quiz funnel.
  • You want to create a FUN lead magnet that engages your audience on a deeper level (and increases your open rates!). 
  • You’re ready to invest time and energy now to grow your email list on autopilot in the future.
  • You want to have a tool for your business that’ll allow a whole new way of understanding who your clients are, how to sell to them, and how to serve them. 



your investment:

A step-by-step, 12-week program that guides you through creating a personality quiz that builds an engaged email list fast — and drives buyers to your offers.


— Ellen Yin, Founder & Podcast Host of Cubicle to CEO

I couldn't imagine working with anyone else to bring this quiz to life.

Linda's level of expertise and understanding of quizzes, not just from a lead generation standpoint, but her background and deep understanding of personality types, plus how many quizzes she's successfully built for herself and others, is unparalleled."

"My quiz launch generated 500 new email subscribers in the first two weeks, with a conversion rate of 76% from quiz page view to email opt-in."




Curated, monthly mastermind pod sessions
Behind-the-scenes panels
Quarterly visibility workshops
In-person LIVE retreat
Shared promotional opportunities
Private members-only Facebook Group

you'll get access to:

  • You have a platform of some kind — whether it’s an email list, podcast, online event, or guest teaching inside your programs.
  • You can participate in giving *and* receiving — everyone in here believes in reciprocity and being a “hell yes”!
  • You’re open to collaborating with other online entrepreneurs
  • You’re eager to make deeper connections and have open conversations with your peers.
  • You run a profitable business, and you’re looking to expand your existing reach.

This community is perfect for you if:

A curated, 12-month virtual community for established and generous entrepreneurs eager to find, nurture, and grow their businesses through the power of connection and collaboration.

— Zafira Rajan, Copywriter

“If you want a relentless cheerleader, advocate for your business, and superconnector in your corner, look no further than Linda Sidhu. Not only is she incredibly gifted at putting the right people in the right room — she’s beyond generous with her referrals, sharing opportunities to take your business to the next level and shine a light on your business.

Because of The MixerMind™, I secured incredible podcast guest opportunities, invites to events where I met dream collaborators, and new connections I know I’ll be in touch with forever. If you get the chance to be in Linda’s orbit, jump!”

Linda is a host like no other.

Zafira Rajan



The Partnership Portal: An automated database to help you track, strengthen and build meaningful relationships

The Magic Match™ Workshop: A 60-minute video workshop to help you leverage your strengths, prioritize your ideal clients, and form fruitful collaborations with your Magic Matches.

you'll get access to:

Access my proven framework to build *and* maintain long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships — so you can create fruitful collaborations, increase your sales, and set your business up for repeatable success.

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You’re trying to get visible, but your collaborations don’t feel like win-wins
  • You participate in summits and bundles that yield low-quality subscribers
  • You feel like there isn’t enough time to connect with all the people that you want
  • You’re constantly promoting yourself but aren’t seeing the sales come through
  • You want to expand your pool of referrals and affiliates for your business
  • You’re excited by the idea of more *quality* leads
  • You’d like to reach out to more collaborators without feeling weird about it or getting impostor syndrome
  • You’re looking for ways to strengthen your existing business relationships and keep track of new ones



The Magic Match


Bonus Private Podcast Welcome Series Workshop: The strategy to elevate engagement, strengthen connections, and boost your income.

50 plus eye-catching subject lines

35 Email Prompts

A step-by-step tutorial on how to set up your nurture series

My 5-part Quiz Nurture Series point-by-point breakdown

Welcome Series Workshop: The strategy behind a compelling nurture series revealed

what you get:

Learn the secrets to a powerful nurture series that'll teach you how to write, send emails, and watch the dollars roll in!

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You’re feeling stumped on how to write a compelling welcome email sequence. 
  • You’re curious to learn more about email marketing in general and the strategy behind a great welcome email sequence.
  • You want a step-by-step guide that tells you exactly how many emails you need and what to share in each one.



Nurture To Net